Saturday, 20 June 2015

Bert Hardy

Bert Hardy
Born on 19th May 1913 and died on 3 July 1995, he is a british photographer who's work is published on Picture Post magazine. He served as a war photographer and took pictures of the D Day landings. 

This photo shows a group of boys playing football on a street. since the photo is in black and white, it shows the bleakness of the environment. This is a full frame, showing the scale of the street and how small the kids are. Because the viewer knows the photo was taken during WW2, the kids are vulnerable to an attack. Hardy could be implying that war is like a children's game.

This photo was taken during the London Blitz in WW2. This image shows houses bombed due to the Blitz bombing. The subjects of the image, the young girl and the elderly man, are helping each over out, which shows how different people were effected by the Blitz. These are ordinary, everyday people not soldiers being the victims to the attack The black and white adds a bleakness and isolation. The background, which is houses in ruins, shows the scale of the destruction.

This photo demonstrates Hardy's use of shadows. Here, a silhouetted couple are holding hands compassionately while a theater is glowing in the background. This glow adds to a romantic feel as if holding hands signifies a start of a relationship The sign saying "Grandma" could suggest that love can last forever, even after the pair are diseased.  

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